New Adventure at Sketch Comedy! (The Underfold)
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New Adventure at Sketch Comedy!

Sketch Comedy guest comic, Adventures of Abe and Mr. Pennybags, wizardGreetings adventuresome Fold!

There’s a new Adventures of Abe and Mr. Pennybags up over at Sketch Comedy. Sketch Comedy is a regularly updated webcomic by Jackson Ferrell that is dear to The Underfold spirit. It’s got so much meta you can literally taste it. It’s palpable. If you were to touch the screen, you might start becoming introspective about yourself. Wondering, Why am I touching my computer screen? What am I doing? Why do I listen to Brian, ever?

Yeah, maybe it’s not that meta, but it is close, and it is funny stuff. There’s a wizard, there was some Minecraft, Gordon McAlpin of Multiplex stopped by a few times and even Wes Molebash of You’ll Have That and Max vs Max (who wrote a pretty sweet endorsement for The Underfold book!). All of that to say, you should check out Sketch Comedy!

If none of that convinces you, well, just go there for Abe and Mr. Pennybags and their adventures dealing with a wizard!


(Talk about your link dumps…)

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