Facebook Home: Meh
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Facebook Home: Meh


So, today I decided I’d give Facebook Home a shot. Even after watching one of the most society-unraveling ads for it that basically said, “Families are so lame. Be on your phone the whole time instead. Woo! Being rude is so cool.” I’ve already turned it off, but I’d like to break it down for you…

What is Facebook Home?

Facebook Home is basically a Facebook app that takes over your Android phone. It takes over your lockscreen and adds interactivity to it (because who wants to actually lock the screen when you lock the screen these days?). Pictures will scroll by in a Ken Burns style montage and if you double click on them, it will like whatever photo it is (still on your lockscreen, mind you), so I can only imagine that it will lead to what I’d like to dub, “Butt liking.”

From there, you can open up your apps drawer, go to your Facebook Messenger app (oh, did I mention you had to install that now?), or update your Facebook status. There’s no way (at least for now) to modify your screen, so say goodbye to all of your shortcuts.

Hungry for Data

Also, let’s talk about data usage. Facebook Home promises a “constant stream” to your Facebook newsfeed. Now, if you’re on any plan other than unlimited, this may sound a bit frightening. It should. You have three settings for data. High, Medium, or Low. That’s right. No “Wifi only” settings here. It’s everything or nothing. Sure, you could go in and turn off your cellular data every time you’re outside the range of a wifi, but… Heaven forbid you forget. Facebook is working tirelessly in the background so that even when you go to unlock your phone, it’s already downloaded the most recent photos from your friends and family (and, let’s be honest, a bunch of strangers too).

In conclusion…

So, if opening an app is too many steps for you, or if Facebook is the only app that you ever look at, try out Facebook Home. If you use practically any other app, then maybe Facebook Home is not for you.

What are your thoughts on Facebook Home (or the way they’re advertising it)?

*Image from Mashable

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